Health Guarantee

Hohenheim Ragdolls guarantees that all kittens will be up to date on vaccinations and dewormings at the time of sale. All kittens go home with a copy of health records, some starter iams kitten food, and with a topical flea preventative.

Kittens are guaranteed to be free of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Feline Leukemia Virus (FELV), and heart murmurs when they go to new homes. Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and Feline Enteric Coronavirus (FeCV) are not covered under this health guarantee.

Hohenheim Ragdolls is not responsible for any veterinary or other care expenses after the time of sale. Please schedule a veterinary appointment for your kitten in advance of purchasing a kitten. This guarantee will be considered null and void if any abuse, neglect, mishandling, or mistreatment occurs.

If serious health defects (deformities or serious illness) are discovered by a veterinarian within 7 days of picking up your ragdoll, a written and signed statement on the veterinarian’s letterhead must be given to Hohenheim Ragdolls within 7 business days of purchase. If this statement is received within 7 days business of purchase, the buyer may return the kitten to Hohenheim Ragdolls at the buyer’s expense for a kitten of similar quality.

Hohenheim Ragdolls also guarantees to replace your kitten with a kitten of similar quality if it dies from any congenital or hereditary problems within 1 year of purchase. A licensed veterinarian must perform a necropsy on the kitten to determine cause of death, and a copy of this report must be sent to Hohenheim Ragdolls within two weeks of the cat’s passing. This necropsy will be the financial responsibility of the buyer. If after reviewing the necropsy report the cause of death is considered to be congenital or hereditary, a new kitten will be provided as soon as possible.

Purchase Agreement

All kittens are sold under a pet contract, meaning they may not be used for breeding purposes. Breeding rights can be considered on a case-by-case basis only. Hohenheim Ragdolls is proud to be a cage-free, kennel-free cattery. We require all cats and kittens sold be kept in the same warm, loving, cage-free environment in which Ragdolls thrive. While we advise against it, cats may be kept outdoors, but must not be allowed to roam at-large off of your personal property, and must be given constant access to an indoor environment with heating and air conditioning. Deposits are non-refundable but may be moved to future litters or older kittens. Ragdolls, while highly intelligent and large, do not possess the same sense of wit or danger as many breeds or mixes and do much better indoors at all times. Hohenheim Ragdolls requires all cats to remain under the ownership of the buyer for the cat’s entire life. Cats may not be resold, given away, abandoned, or surrendered to a shelter.